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澳大拉西亚人/新西兰分会 Meeting

  • 2023年11月
  • 观看次数:787

活动日期: 5/24/2024 - 5/25/2024 出口活动

The 澳大拉西亚人 和 新西兰分会s will hold a joint meeting May 24-25, 2024 in Cairns. 

 The meeting has been planned with a good mix of technical information 和 opportunity to network with fellow EASA members while enjoying beautiful Queensl和.

Follow instructions in the registration document to book accommodation. We have discounted rates available for attendee’s.

Please return your registration document as soon as possible to help with managing the polo shirt’s 和 planned events over the weekend.

We have secured a limited numbers of tickets for the Friday Karunda Scenic Railway & Skyrail Tour so it will be strictly first come first serve.

See below for the registration form for the upcoming joint meeting with 澳大拉西亚人 & 新西兰EASA章节. 

Registrations must be returned by February 20th 2024.



EASA Chapter 和 Regional Boundaries


Click any map to enlarge for more detail

网赌平台的章节 - North America



Consists of the geographical territories of the 东北 和 大西洋中部的 这包括美国.S. 缅因州, 佛蒙特州, 新汉普郡, 新泽西, 罗德岛州, 纽约, 特拉华州, 康涅狄格, 宾西法尼亚, 麻萨诸塞州, 马里兰, 以及俄亥俄州的部分REGIONS, 弗吉尼亚和西弗吉尼亚. (注意: The 东北部的一章 was formed from the merger of the 康涅狄格, 新英格兰, 纽约大都会, 尼亚加拉, 贵格会教徒的城市, Tri-State 章 which will become Districts of the new chapter.)
Consists of the geographical territory of the 东南章 包括美国.S. 维吉尼亚州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, Georgia 和 Florida 和 the Virgin Isl和s 和 Puerto Rico.
Consists of the geographical territories of the 中心区, 五大湖, 更大的克利夫兰, 印第安纳州俄亥俄州/西维吉尼亚州, 西密歇根 章. This chapter includes portions of the U.S. states of Michigan, 印第安纳州, 伊利诺斯州, Ohio, West Virginia. 
Consists of the geographical territory of the 中南区分会. 这一章包括美国.S. 密苏里州, 阿肯色州, 密西西比州, 阿拉巴马州, Tennessee 和 Kentucky along with portions of Kansas, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 和路易斯安那州. (注意: The 中南区分会 was formed from the merger of the Heart of America, 路易斯维尔, Mid-South 和 King Coal 章.)
Consists of the geographical territories of the 中西部, 朝鲜中央, 落基山 章节和包括美国.S. 北达科他州各州, 南达科塔州, 明尼苏达州, 威斯康辛州, Iowa; Michigan's upper peninsula as well as a portion of Nebraska.
Consists of the geographical territory of the 西南部的一章 包括美国.S. states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona 和 portions of 路易iana 和 New Mexico. It also includes Mexico (excluding the Baja Pennisula), Central 和 South America.
Consists of the geographical territories of the 山帝国, 加州北部, 西北太平洋REGIONS, 南加州 章. 这包括美国。.S. 蒙大拿州, 爱达荷州, 怀俄明, 科罗拉多州, 犹他州, 加州, 华盛顿, 俄勒冈州, 阿拉斯加, Hawaii as well as portions of Nebraska, 堪萨斯州和新墨西哥州, in addition to the Baja Penninsula.
Consists of the geographical territories of the 安大略, 魁北克 & 滨海诸省, 加拿大西部 章; 和 includes all of the provinces of Canada.
Consists of the geographical territory of the 欧洲、亚洲、非洲分会. This chapter include all of Europe, 非洲, 中东, 印度, 俄罗斯, 日本, Korea 和 the northern portion of China.
Consists of the geographical territories of the 澳大拉西亚人新西兰 章. These chapters include Australia, 新西兰, 香港, 菲律宾, Taiwan 和 other countries from 90° east longitude in an easterly direction to the International Date Line.